Nutritional Supplementation & Dietary Counseling

Nutritional Supplementation & Dietary Counseling | Herbal Therapy

Natural Supplementation and Dietary Counseling

Vitamins, minerals, herbal supplements and other food factors are often included in the term “nutritional supplementation”. With the increasing number of scientific studies being performed, there is a greater acceptance and preference for natural remedies and wellness support.

Vitamins and minerals may fill the void of necessary nutrition created by lack of proper eating habits, fast foods and daily stressors. Following an in-depth history, physical examination and specific laboratory tests, your Natural Health Physician will determine which supplements – and their amounts – are necessary to enhance the way you feel.

Often, our diets predispose us to a variety of conditions, such as candida (yeast infection), hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol), hyperlipidemia (high triglycerides), hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), diabetes, allergies, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome and sometimes skin rashes.

Ask your Natural Health Physician about ways to determine your nutritional weaknesses and how they may be affecting your life.

Herbal Therapy

The use of herbs for treatment of diseases and reduction of ailments, as well as maintaining wellbeing, has been practiced for centuries. Today, we again embrace the utilization of herbal medicine along with or in lieu of some synthetic drugs. The side effects of these herbs are few, and the effectiveness is well documented in journals such as “Biologic Therapeutics,” “Natural Medicine” and others.

Herbs are used to enhance the immune system, reduce inflammation, relax muscles, lower blood pressure, replace antibiotics and much more. Many people practice herbal therapy without professional guidance. However, the best results with herbs often come about through recommended dosages based upon weight, side effects and retesting to evaluate progress and results.

Your Natural Health Physician can discuss with you, or research for you, herbs that may help you to peak health.


Chiropractic Manipulation

